Saturday, 11 June 2011

Cath Kidston Candy Flowers Fabric Laptop Cover

Bespoke Laptop cover made from Cath Kidston Candy Flowers Cotton Duck Fabric - and fastening with a large button.

Needlework Tapestry Retro 70s Cushion

Cushion front made from Satin Stitch Needlepoint/Tapestry, then backed with William Morris inspired fabric

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Machine Embroidered Wedding Cake

Machine embroidered wedding cake made using an image drawn onto water soluble fabric, this was then attached to raw silk and details added in gold thread by hand.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Patchwork Cube Footstool Cover

This was my first foray into patchwork. I have many fabric scraps and a footstool which desperately needed covering. I really enjoyed designing and placing the individual squares, and took photographs as I went along so I could remember the layout.

Footstool Cover

This is a footstool I covered for a friend in Cath Kidston Provence Rose Cotton Duck Fabric, I elasticated the cover so it is removable for washing.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Applique Sewing Box Cover

Miriam Whittle Sewing Box Cover Applique, made using Cath Kidston Fabrics and Templates, from SEW! by Cath Kidston